Join the Q-Family!
Welcome! Whether you’re a new listener or you have been tuning in since day one, you’ve come to the right place. This is Q90FM Central. Your one-stop source on how to take the next step as a part of the Q-Family. Our music has got your feet tapping. Now you want to join the dance.
So now what?
Choose your Sweet Spot
There is more than one way to support our vision.
Pray-as if it all depends on God
This station represents God’s work, not ours. We want to keep it that way. To be truly effective in eternal matters demands prayer. If you, like us, long to see God glorified through Q90FM’s success, we invite you to join the prayer team. There is nothing more exciting than participating in a wild, behind-the-scenes ride with God. Email to become a part of our prayer team.

Volunteer-as if it all depends on us

The gift of time grows more and more precious in today’s fast-paced world. Every army needs a reserves. If you have an interest in rolling up your sleeves from time-to-time with like-minded friends to who believe in our mission, email to request a volunteer application. Then, send us your completed form. We’ll take note of your skills, and, when needs arise, alert you to fitting service opportunities.
Give-as if it is not ours to keep
Grace and radio have a lot in common. Grace is free to us, but cost Christ a lot. Radio is free, too. It costs nothing to turn on your dial or stream audio, but it costs us a lot to stay on the air. Q90FM is almost entirely listener supported-a privileged, but rare thing in these days of big radio corporations. We’ve carefully trimmed our budgets to all but “war-time” essentials. But operating costs are a fact of life. If you’ve been blessed through our music, here are some ways you can give back, at Q-Drive or whenever the Spirit leads.

Responsible Stewardship
If you are choosing to give, we trust it isn’t a choice you’ve made lightly. Please pray for God’s guidance before deciding what to pledge. We value every donation as a blessing from God. If you use your credit card for payment, please charge responsibly. God calls you to be a good steward of your finances.
We, too, practice integrity with our finances. Q90FM is a tax-exempt, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible. Your gifts to Q90FM are secure. We do not sell your information to others or use for purposes other than the transaction itself.
Q-Drive Central
Like most families, the Q-Family enjoys fun and fellowship. At Q-Drive time we remember God’s past blessings at Q90FM and see our vision for the future unfold as pledges come in. With so much at stake, you might expect a lot of hand-wringing in our offices at Q-Drive time. Not! We have an absolute blast watching God provide. Stop by our studios in De Pere during the day hours and see for yourself.

Thanks to our generous listeners and sponsors, we are now at 103.77% of our $175,000.00 Goal!
What is Q-Drive?
Q-Drive is the major semi-annual fundraiser Q90FM holds each spring and fall. It’s the only time we focus exclusively on the needs of our station as we ask listeners who believe in our vision to pledge whatever they are able, so that together we can fulfill our mission. Because we are almost entirely listener supported, we rely on strong Q-Drives to cover expenses for the upcoming six months. For over two decades, Q90FM has provided positive music, teaching programs, and events for families of our community. Today our impact extends online globally as well. Your gifts truly make a difference both here and around the world.
Q-Drive Giving
Ready to stand with us?
During the three days of Q-Drive itself, you may call in pledges. Our volunteer operators are standing by from 6 am to 6 pm. Simply call:
Phone: 920-494-9010
Toll Free: 1-800-979-9010
Note: operators cannot take credit card information; if you desire to make an “instant” gift rather than a pledge for later, please vist
Others opt to drop their pledges by our offices in person during this time, just to give hugs, sample goodies, or see what we look like in person.