Secular Media
The average child spends 35 hours per week in public school; they spend an average of 30 hours per week listening to music, watching television or on the internet. But the average parent spends less than 4 minutes per day in meaningful conversation with their child. What do you think has their attention the most?
Much of the music today encourages drugs, alcohol, sexuality and violence. No different with television, video games or the internet. Child access to free pornography on the internet has become an epidemic!
You may not be able to “shut off” all the destructive media available to your children—but you can minimize the effect and combat it. Make sure you have proper parental controls and monitoring on televisions and internet; screen and know television shows and music your children access.

Explain scientific studies that show the long term effect on our brains from violent and sexual television, movies and internet sites. These “pictures” are imprinted on the brain forever, where Satan will use them as a type of “addictive drug” as we become older. Once in its control, life can easily spin out of control.
Teen suicide is a national epidemic. Youth feel increasingly hopeless when they view the world around them. It is crucial we help them understand how God views them and holds us accountable for the choices we make. Help your children envision two futures—one where they are joyful and hopeful because of what they believe and do—and the other without real hope because of faulty beliefs and bad choices. Everything they post on line will be available to prospective employers—what they do and say on line will have a huge impact on their future.